
Have you heard about the “flipped classroom”? Understand here!

Studying is not always easy, is it? There are days when we are more tired or simply distracted. Therefore, there are techniques that help to internalize knowledge, and one of them is the flipped classroom. Have you heard about her?

Also called “ flipped classroom” , this methodology seeks to innovate the teaching-learning process and place the student at the center of the process . In this context, the teacher has a relevant role, but without being the only holder of knowledge — he acts more as a guide for his students.

This already makes it clear that there is a significant change in relation to the traditional teaching model, right? But, there are still other differences.

In this post, we will explain in more detail so you can understand how this classroom flip works. Read on!

What is flipped classroom?

The flipped classroom is an active teaching methodology. It provides for students to internalize the knowledge before class and discuss it with their peers at school. Thus, the teacher is a guide and helps to solve doubts to facilitate personal development.

Thus, the first contact with knowledge can happen in different ways:

  • book;
  • games made available by teachers;
  • films;
  • video classes;
  • didactic texts;
  • among other means.

Thus, the debate in the classroom becomes more in-depth and the student is the protagonist of his learning .

Therefore, understanding the flipped classroom concept presupposes that this is a different way of building knowledge. After all, information comes from various sources, with the purpose of encouraging thinking, so it is up to the student to take responsibility and set goals to achieve what is expected.

How does the flipped classroom methodology work?

Unlike the traditional model, this methodology seeks to teach through a student’s responsive and reflective attitude. Therefore, the teacher prepares material in advance and makes it available to students through virtual learning platforms, social networks, blogs and cloud programs, such as Facebook, Dropbox, YouTube, SlideShare and Google Drive.

The role of the student is to see these contents at home and bring their doubts to school. In the flipped classroom, he also does the exercises with the help and intermediation of the teacher.

So, at home, the student:


    • attend the lesson;
    • reviews the material;
    • reads some text;
    • performs a search;
  • among other activities passed by the teacher.

In classroom, he has the duty to work alternative skills and also:

    • participate in debates;
    • conduct face-to-face discussions with colleagues;
    • learn through seasons;
    • do laboratory experiments;
    • undergo peer review and evaluation.

What are the advantages of adopting the flipped classroom?
By changing the paradigm of traditional teaching, the flipped classroom brings several benefits. Among the main advantages that can be highlighted are:

As we have already explained, the student becomes the protagonist of his teaching-learning process. He is an active agent, making him responsible for obtaining knowledge.

This makes the student learn to control his time and organize himself. Likewise, it sets its pace and chooses the best format to internalize the content.

Deepening of the contents
As the student already arrives in the classroom knowing what will be discussed, he has the chance to deepen the issues and learn more. Thus, more productive and rich debates are guaranteed. After all, the simplest concepts have already been learned.

Use of multimedia tools
Several resources can be used in learning with the flipped classroom. Platforms, games, texts, videos and audios are welcome to present the concepts. Thus, the objective is to make the teachings more flexible to ensure that students internalize the contents in the way they see fit.

Performance improvement
As the contents are made available in different ways and through various resources, the student learns more.

This is because he is responsible for his learning process and needs to seek knowledge — clearing his doubts with the teacher, seeking information and being creative to organize and present the content.

Greater engagement in classes
The flipped classroom methodology assumes that several places have information, not just the school. Thus, by providing the necessary resources, the student increases their motivation to study, as the content becomes more attractive.

Time optimization
In the traditional teaching method, the student does not learn to manage time. Already in this type of active methodology, he acquires his study rhythm. In addition, the class time is optimized, as interruptions are no longer frequent and the student is already prepared with basic knowledge. Not to mention that the established debate is more in-depth.

In this way, the flipped classroom is a way to change the teaching model and allow the student to learn more. Thus, more than knowing the contents in theory, you can assimilate the information in practice, relating it to real situations.

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