During preparation for the entrance exam, for the Enem or even selective processes, it is essential to study the different types of essays, understanding the requirements of each one and the differences between them. It is not enough to have correct writing and respect for spelling and grammar rules. Knowledge about style and textual structure is […]
Study Tips
Learn how to write a contest essay with simple and practical tips
Do you know how to write a contest essay? Or rather, do you know what structure is needed to produce an essay worthy of approval? The textual productions have a considerable weight in the exams and, most of the time, they tend to be decisive for the approval of the students. The ability to organize […]
Why should college care about receiving freshmen?
You’ve certainly heard about the initiation rituals — the famous hazing — that senior students practice at the freshman reception. And if you’re getting ready to go to college , you might feel even more anxiety at the thought of facing that kind of “welcoming action,” right? Many facts have already gained space in the […]
Step by step on how to make a test appeal for contests
The penitentiary appeal process is an official way of contesting an answer, whether preliminary or final. It is also true to say that the resource works as an argumentative dissertation for you to defend the answer given to any question. This is an action to ensure candidates who feel aggrieved in any competitions. Many people use […]
6 study methods that can help you prepare for exams
We’ve prepared a post with the best study techniques for you to stay on top of all the best practices that will help you pass that dreamed contest. Keep following! What is a study method? Before talking about the study methods, we need to make a brief contextualization so that there are no doubts. That’s all […]
6 reasons to visit the school library
In learning environments, one of the most important places for children and adolescents to attend is, without a doubt, the school library. This is because the place strengthens the reading and writing culture, teaches the collective use of public goods, directly contributing to the development of socio-emotional skills, in addition to other benefits. However, even though […]
Tips for Self-Motivation to Help You Reach Your Aspirations in Life
There are a variety of qualities or traits that determine success, among which is motivation, specifically self-motivation. Since this is the characteristic that drives actions, without it, individuals won’t have the motivation to take the actions necessary to reach their goals. However, in the frantic and hectic world we live in keeping the self-motivation flow can […]
How to enhance your studies with the mind map?
Studying extensive content is not an easy task. It’s even more challenging to remember what you studied days ago — whether it’s to take a test or develop an explanation of the topic in a school assignment. But, do you know what can help with that? A mind map! There are so many thoughts going through […]