
Check out what to take to take the entrance exam and do well in the test

After all, there are several rules of what is allowed or not. And the biggest nightmare for students is being prevented from taking the test, putting years of preparation and dedication at risk due to an oversight that could have been avoided.

So, if you want to prepare properly, organizing everything in advance to avoid any setbacks on the day of the test, read on. In this article, we are going to give you incredible tips that will help you do very well in the exams!

Tips for preparing for test day

The moment of the entrance exam is super important in the life of any student, regardless of whether it is the first edition or not. So, there is no escape: everyone is nervous on the eve of the test.

However, following the tips below can help alleviate your anxiety and, consequently, increase your disposition in the entrance exam. Check it out!

Sleep 8 hours straight

It is scientifically proven that a good night’s sleep provides numerous health benefits.

While we sleep, our organism performs the body’s main restorative functions, such as protein synthesis, energy replacement and metabolism regulation – essential factors for keeping body and mind healthy.

This of course extends to the day before the test. You don’t want to feel tired, without energy to think and yawning with each sentence read, do you? Thus, sleeping 8 hours is essential to be in a good mood and do well.

Eat well

Just like sleep, good nutrition is part of the combo to do well in the test. That’s because the brain and digestive system are connected, so your food impacts on the health of neurons.

Also, the brain needs a healthy, balanced diet to function properly. Eating foods with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants nourishes the brain and protects it from oxidative stress, the famous free radicals produced when the body uses oxygen.

On test day, eat light foods, which are already part of your routine. No innovating or eating that plate of feijoada before leaving home. Have you thought about the fatigue you will feel? Not to mention the risk of stomach ache. So bet on the famous salad accompanied by protein, there’s no mistake!

Check the test location

As soon as they release the test site, be sure to check where it is, how far it is from your home and what is the best way to get there. Also decide how you will get to the point: by car, on foot or by public transport.

It may sound silly, but believe me: on the day, traffic is crazy, and all you want to avoid is being late, right?

Arrive in advance

Year in, year in and there are always the famous “late Exam”. Therefore, arriving in advance is the best option — including, until the MEC recommended to appear at the test site one hour before the closing of the gates .

What you can and cannot take on the exam

Do you still have doubts about what you can or cannot take to the Exam, in addition to the essential items to take the test, which cannot be forgotten at all? So check below what they are and be ready to crush the exam!

What is mandatory to bring

It’s always good to remember the traditional items that the Exam requires every year. Are they:

    • official and original document with photo . It can be RG, CNH, passport or even Work and Social Security card, as long as it was issued after 1977.
    • black ink pen made of transparent material , to write the essay, do calculations or to mark the answer card. It is advisable to take more than one new ballpoint pen to avoid any setbacks.
    • water is food. There are 5 hours of test (5 and a half hours on the writing day). So, being hydrated and eating is important to stay active and not feel sick at the time of the exam. Preferably, opt for light and easy-to-eat snacks, such as fruit and cereal bars.

what can take

There are some items that you are allowed to bring, even if it is not mandatory, such as:

    • snack: you can take any food to eat during the race, from cereal bars to lunchbox. However, foods that give energy are recommended, such as chocolates, cookies, nuts, cereal bars , among others. Oh! The snack can be inspected by the inspector;
    • cell phone : today, we don’t exist without the cell phone. Sometimes it is necessary for you to ask your parents to pick you up at the end of the test. But it is very important that you turn off the device before entering the room, so that it does not ring. If that happens, you may be dropped from the trials . The room inspector will give you an envelope to keep the device and put it under the desk;
  • bag or backpack: it is allowed to bring a bag or backpack, after all, there are a lot of things to keep, right? But at the time of the test, you will not have access to it. Inspectors usually ask students to place their belongings at the front of the room.

What can not

There is a list of items that you should not take on test day at all. Even if the inspectors catch any of them, they can result in the elimination of the candidate . Check out what they are:

    • sunglasses, hat, cap, cap and other accessories that cover the student;
    • electronic devices;
    • clocks of any kind, alarms or switches with alarms;
    • headphones, recorder and/or receiver of sounds, images, messages;
  • pens made of non-transparent material, pencils, mechanical pencils, erasers, adhesive paper and other school materials;
  • books, printed matter, handouts and notes.

Now that you know what to bring to the entrance exam and how to prepare to take a good test, don’t leave it to organize everything at the last minute. Now start separating the items and, on the day of the test, just worry about getting a great grade!

Take the opportunity to share this content on social networks and tag all your friends who are taking part, so that they can write down the tips and prepare correctly!

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