Study Tips

Why should college care about receiving freshmen?

You’ve certainly heard about the initiation rituals — the famous hazing — that senior students practice at the freshman reception. And if you’re getting ready to go to college , you might feel even more anxiety at the thought of facing that kind of “welcoming action,” right?

Many facts have already gained space in the media, due to the embarrassing and even violent practices of university hazing. Fortunately, the negative repercussions of these events drew attention to the problem and made room for much more responsible ways of integrating new students.

Follow the post and let’s reflect a little more on this subject!

Solidarity actions instead of hazing

In some colleges, integration games between seniors and freshmen are still traditional, such as the use of paints, participation in games or exposure by nicknames. But general awareness is needed so that these actions do not go beyond the limits and respect the physical and moral integrity of young entrants.

Large universities have already become known for hazing that included excessive alcohol consumption, racist, homophobic attitudes, sexual harassment, among other offensive and violent behaviors.

After the popularization of the aggressive content of these behaviors, many institutions began to develop programs to encourage solidarity in the reception of freshmen. These are the so-called solidarity pranks, which promote integration among students with a focus on social actions, such as:

      • collection of money, food and clothes for donation;
      • visits to orphanages, nursing homes or animal shelters;
      • revitalization of kindergartens and schools;
    • cleaning efforts in streets, rivers, etc.

Entering the university should be marked by the expectation of growth that the student will also have as an element of transformation of society. Therefore, nothing more coherent than associating this moment with solidary practices and encouraging citizenship, instead of subjecting the freshman to embarrassing experiences.

The Keys to a Positive Freshman Reception

You, as a student, expect to be well received to start your university life on the right foot, don’t you? When it’s your turn to receive incoming students, remember to also collaborate to make this a positive occasion for them. Ideally, the institution and veterans work together to facilitate the integration of newcomers. See some points that favor the reception of freshmen!

Get to know the campus better

The first step in becoming familiar with the university environment is to explore the site. Take a tour of the college on your first day, get to know the spaces that will be part of your routine — classrooms, library, research laboratories , cafeterias, etc.

Provide a collaborative environment

This is a mission for everyone who is part of the university: professors, coordinators, employees and academics of all periods. Promoting the socialization and reception of new students and introducing them to the dynamics of the faculty are the responsibilities of everyone who wants to live in a collaborative environment.

Strengthen bonds between teachers and students

The teaching staff represents a fundamental support for the development of students. In this sense, professors must remain accessible to receive freshmen, provide guidance and clarify doubts. This reinforcement in the initial contact is a way of strengthening relationships and transmitting confidence to new university students.

Valuing solidarity

We know that the main focus of those who attend a higher education course is professional training. However, there are other issues that contribute to the evolution of the student. Examples of this are: the change of perspective on the world and the acquisition of values ​​as a citizen. To develop this awareness, nothing better than going to college and already being engaged in social actions, through solidarity hazing.

Help with student engagement

In addition to feeling welcomed, it is important that the student really feels included in the academic environment. And if the university is an inclusive unit, attitudes of violence, prejudice or embarrassment are not accepted. Only with respect and tolerance can there be true rapport between students.

Raise awareness of diversity

Talking about diversity should be an initiative of the institution, but practicing respect for differences is everyone’s responsibility. In college, you will live with people of the most varied profiles, beliefs and ideologies.

This new environment requires a greater dose of maturity, which means that there is no room for games in bad taste and discriminatory attitudes — such as those that often occur at school, among children and adolescents.

Inhibit prejudice practices

The university must be a place to encourage a culture of peace. Students need to reflect on their opinions and assume a more empathetic stance towards their peers. No type of prejudice can be tolerated, especially coming from people who hold the opportunity to transform society in their hands.

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